رقص در غبار 1381
نظر جوان بيست و يكي دو ساله اي است كه روزي در ميني بوس با ريحانه آشنا مي شود و ازدواج مي كنند، اما حرف هاي ناپسندي كه در مورد مادر ريحانه وجود دارد او را مجبور مي كند تا ريحانه را طلاق بدهد. ريحانه هم به اين تصميم تسليم مي شود اما نظر در برابر دادگاه خودش را موظف مي داند كه مهريه ريحانه را پرداخت كند. كار نظر نگهداري اسب هايي است كه با تزريق سم مار به آنها ازشان پادزهر تهيه مي كنند. روزي پليس براي دستگيري نظر به آنجا مي آيد، چون او نتوانسته به تعهد مالي كه داده بود عمل كند. نظر سوار اتومبيلي مي شود كه متعلق به مارگيري منزوي و عبوس است. آنها به وسط بياباني مي رسند كه مارگير مارها را از آنجا مي گيرد. مرد وقتي متوجه وجود نظر مي شود او را از خود مي راند، بدون اينكه حتي كلمه اي با او حرف بزند. نظر با وجود بدرفتاري هاي مرد تصميم مي گيرد همان جا بماند و مار بگيرد. نظر پس از كمي تلاش موفق مي شود يك مار بگيرد، اما آن را از دمش مي گيرد و مار انگشت حلقه دست چپش را نيش مي زند و مارگير مجبور مي شود انگشت او را قطع كند. او انگشت را در ظرفي پر از يخ مي ريزد و نظر را به بيمارستان مي رساند كه انگشت را به دست نظر پيوند بزنند. مرد در راه زندگي اش براي نظر حرف مي زند و مي گويد مردي را كه به زنش نظر داشته خفه كرده و خودش به زندان افتاده، اما وقتي از زندان فرار كرده، ديده زنش با كس ديگري ازدواج كرده است. در بيمارستان براي عمل پول مي خواهند و مرد مارگير كه حالا انگار آدم ديگري شده، اين پول را فراهم مي كند، اما نظر پول را برمي دارد و از بيمارستان فرار مي كند. او پول را تمام و كمال به ريحانه مي دهد تا دينش را ادا كرده باشد. كمي بعد نظر اتومبيل و وسايل مارگير را نزد دكه داري كه خواهان خريد اتومبيل بود مي بيند و مي فهمد مارگير براي تهيه پول بيمارستان اتومبيل اش را فروخته است.
Related Movies To
Skyfall: Quantum of Spectre
This is by far one of my favorite movies from the MCU. The introduction of new Characters both good and bad also makes the movie more exciting. giving the characters more of a back story can also help audiences relate more to different characters better, and it connects a bond between the audience and actors or characters. Having seen the movie three times does not bother me here as it is as thrilling and exciting every time I am watching it. In other words, the movie is by far better than previous movies (and I do love everything Marvel), the plotting is splendid (they really do out do themselves in each film, there are no problems watching it more than once.
Avengers Age of Ultron is an excellent sequel and a worthy MCU title! There are a lot of good and one thing that feels off in my opinion.
First off the action in this movie is amazing, to buildings crumbling, to evil blue eyed robots tearing stuff up, this movie has the action perfectly handled. And with that action comes visuals. The visuals are really good, even though you can see clearly where they are through the movie, but that doesn't detract from the experience. While all the CGI glory is taking place, there are lovable characters that are in the mix. First off the original characters, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye, are just as brilliant as they are always. And Joss Whedon fixed my main problem in the first Avengers by putting in more Hawkeye and him more fleshed out. Then there is the new Avengers, Quicksilver, Scarletwich, and Vision, they are pretty cool in my opinion. Vision in particular is pretty amazing in all his scenes.
The beginning of the film it's fine until towards the second act and there is when it starts to feel a little rushed. Also I do feel like there are scenes missing but there was talk of an extended version on Blu-Ray so that's cool.
I can't right much... it's just so forgettable...Okay, from what I remember, I remember just sitting down on my seat and waiting for the movie to begin. 5 minutes into the movie, boring scene of Tony Stark just talking to his "dead" friends saying it's his fault. 10 minutes in: Boring scene of Ultron and Jarvis having robot space battles(I dunno:/). 15 minutes in: I leave the theatre.2nd attempt at watching it: I fall asleep. What woke me up is the next movie on Netflix when the movie was over.
Bottemline: It's boring...
10/10 because I'm a Marvel Fanboy
If there were not an audience for Marvel comic heroes than clearly these films would not be made, to answer one other reviewer although I sympathize with him somewhat. The world is indeed an infinitely more complex place than the world of Marvel comics with clearly identifiable heroes and villains. But I get the feeling that from Robert Downey, Jr. on down the organizer and prime mover as Iron Man behind the Avengers these players do love doing these roles because it's a lot of fun. If they didn't show that spirit of fun to the audience than these films would never be made.
So in that spirit of fun Avengers: Age Of Ultron comes before us and everyone looks like they're having a good time saving the world. A computer program got loose and took form in this dimension named Ultron and James Spader who is completely unrecognizable is running amuck in the earth. No doubt Star Trek fans took notice that this guy's mission is to cleanse the earth much like that old earth probe NOMAD which got its programming mixed up in that classic Star Trek prime story. Wouldst Captain James T. Kirk of the Enterprise had a crew like Downey has at his command.
My favorite is always Chris Evans because of the whole cast he best gets into the spirit of being a superhero. Of all of them, he's already played two superheroes, Captain America and Johnny Storm the Human Torch. I'll be before he's done Evans will play a couple of more as long as the money's good and he enjoys it.
Pretend you're a kid again and enjoy, don't take it so seriously.
The Avengers raid a Hydra base in Sokovia commanded by Strucker and they retrieve Loki's scepter. They also discover that Strucker had been conducting experiments with the orphan twins Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), who has super speed, and Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), who can control minds and project energy. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) discovers an Artificial Intelligence in the scepter and convinces Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) to secretly help him to transfer the A.I. to his Ultron defense system. However, the Ultron understands that is necessary to annihilate mankind to save the planet, attacks the Avengers and flees to Sokovia with the scepter. He builds an armature for self-protection and robots for his army and teams up with the twins. The Avengers go to Clinton Barton's house to recover, but out of the blue, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) arrives and convinces them to fight against Ultron. Will they succeed?
"Avengers: Age of Ultron" is an entertaining adventure with impressive special effects and cast. The storyline might be better, since most of the characters do not show any chemistry. However, it is worthwhile watching this film since the amazing special effects are not possible to be described in words. Why Pietro has to die is also not possible to be explained. My vote is eight.
Cast & Crew of
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Directors & Credit Writers
Joss Whedon... Director
Directors & Credit Writers
Stan Lee... (based on Marvel comics)
Jack Kirby... (based on Marvel comics)
Joe Simon... (character created by: Captain America)
Joe Simon... (character created by: Thanos)
Roy Thomas... (character created by: Ultron, Vision)
John Buscema... (character created by: Ultron, Vision)
... Robert Downey Jr.
... Thor
... Bruce Banner/ Hulk
... Steve Rogers/ Captain America
... Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
... Clint Barton/ Hawkeye
... Ultron
... James Rhodes/ War Machine
Produced by
... executive producer
Mitchel Bell... co-producer (as Mitch Bell)
... associate producer
... executive producer
Jon Favreau... executive producer
Kevin Feige... producer
Alan Fine... executive producer
Jeffrey Ford... associate producer